How Minimalism Can Help the Environment

Credit: Eunice Lui, Pexels

There are several decisions we make each day that contribute to the environmental pollution of our planet. These often include what we choose to spend our money on, as well as some lifestyle habits. Although people of many different lifestyles can live in environmentally conscious ways, one of the most inherently eco-friendly ways to live is through a minimalist lifestyle. Minimalist lifestyles are based out of a mindset that prioritizes objects in an attempt to focus on only the centerpieces worth noting. This artistic sense of style creates a lifestyle that decreases clutter, waste, and the purchase of unnecessary objects.

Minimal Living Concepts

People who live a minimalist lifestyle often regulate their purchases based on immediate needs and objects they plan to replace. The household decor in each room is intentional, and focused on key decorative elements, many of which often serve more than one purpose — which makes the furniture taking up space both decorative and efficient. By drawing the focus to only a few elements in each room, each area becomes a more clear, open, peaceful and relaxing environment that can put people at ease and even help create healthy sleeping patterns by removing distractions from the bedroom.

Although artistic elements and decor are integral aspects of minimal living, the lifestyle also revolves around the efficiency of objects and spaces, and of not being wasteful. People who live minimally often invest in quality products that will last them a long time, such as household products, furniture, and even their wardrobe, which will consist of only select pieces that are easily paired with everything else. Minimalist lifestyles have always been considered to hold artistic value, but the sustainable aspect of minimalism has been adopted more in recent years by eco-conscious consumers who want to support eco-friendly corporations.

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Once you adopt a minimalist lifestyle, you quickly begin to notice the changes that come with it. Freeing up space in your home and closet, and only being surrounded by items you truly value clears up a lot of mental space, centering fewer thoughts in your mind and providing you with an environment that can make you happier.

Another change you might notice is in the amount of waste you create. When you stop accumulating temporary objects regularly, you’ll start to notice how often others purchase these unnecessary objects, and how much of your time and money is freed up from shopping and finding space for new things.

Minimalism is a stylistic trend that many individuals have adopted due to its ease and because its waste-less concepts are in line with green living. As climate change becomes more prevalent and consumers become more concerned about their environmental impact, corporations have begun to do the same.

Consumers looking to reduce their environmental footprint are willing to spend more money to purchase goods for companies who are sustainable and environmentally conscious, which has brought sustainability into the mainstream eye. Major corporations like Kraft, Coca Cola and Levi’s have changed products and production practices to reduce their use of plastic and water. This has not only reduced waste from these companies, but also allows consumers to purchase these products without feeling that they’re turning their back to the environment.

The worldwide push for eco-friendliness has also created many other factors that are causing businesses to embrace sustainability, such as tax incentives from local and federal governments, brand visibility and appealing to potential employees who are concerned with environmental practices. In order to appeal to the growing population of eco-conscious consumers and to draw in employee talent from millennials, businesses are having to make their business practices more in-line with what people care about today.

Minimal living isn’t necessary to be environmentally friendly, but if you’ve ever wanted to make a lifestyle change that will clear up your surroundings and minimize your waste production, minimalism may be a step in that direction. However, as long as your purchases are thoughtful and you do your part to create less waste, you are helping the environment through your actions.